Foreword by Wayne C. Booth Preface Acknowledgements ONE The Writer Writing TWO 'Intentions' and 'Purposes'
Interpretation and Actions
Intention and Historical Interpretation
Purpose and Literary ArtTHREE 'Parody' or the Imitation of Disciplines FOUR Explanations
"Scientific" Explanation
"Processive" ExplanationFIVE Bernard Shaw: Historical Explanation
"A Frankly Doctrinal Theatre"
G.B.S. in the Theatre
G.B.S. as Historian
Saint Joan: The Argument and Function of the Preface
The Scope of the Play
The Play of Saint Joan: Structure and Mechanism
The EpilogueSIX Marcel Proust: Psychological Explanation
The Book and the Man
"Psychology in Space and Time"
The Syllabus of Errors
The Triumph of the Will
The Historical Author, the Narrator, and Their BooksSEVEN Historical Interpretation: The Face of the Muse and the Baker's Daughter Index LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS
Frontispiece: Jan Vermeer, A Lady Writing (Washington, D. C.: National Gallery of Art).
Gift of Harry Waldron Havemeyer and Horace Havemeyer, Jr. in memory of their father, Horace Havemeyer.
Plate 1: Rogier van der Weyden, Saint Luke Painting the Virgin (Boston: Museum of Fine Arts).
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee Higginson. Coutesey, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Plate 2: Jan Vermeer, The Art of Painting (Vienna: Kunsthistorichesmuseum)
Plate 3: Jan Vermeer, detail: the face of the muse from Jan Vermeer, The Art of Painting (Vienna: Kunsthistorichesmuseum)